Fifty is the golden anniversary, and this is the only way that over fifty is golden.  In fact, between thirty and forty life becomes more challenging, more interesting, in ways we would like to avoid. 

Thankfully we can manage these changes, it is proven that, proper diet, peace of mind and exercise create a super-combination of factors, not only are you more likely to have an increased lifespan, but more importantly, an increased QUALITY of life.   

If you stay active, you WILL get older, you but HOW you get older is decidedly up to you.  Of course, healthy activities and eating will have greater impact on a twenty-year-old than someone over thirty.  But how much of a difference does getting older make? Will it be harder to lose weight? 


More precisely it will slow your weight loss potential, of course some older people may lose weight easier than some younger people, nothing is absolute, but its’s also true that is that same older person did the same things in earlier years the process would have been easier.   

There are certain facts about human metabolism, among them, metabolic rates are: 

  • Faster tor taller people 
  • Faster for more muscular people 
  • Slower for females than males 
  • Slower as people get older 

This is encompassed in the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) equation, where in the revised (1990) Harris-Benedict equation states, for:   

  • MenBMR = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) – (5 × age in years) + 5 
  • WomenBMR = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) – (5 × age in years) – 161 

We see clearly that BMR is greater with weight and height, lower with age and, all things being equal higher for males. 

Functionally, there are other factors to be included in weight loss, such as, adherence to proper eating patterns, activity, exercise, sleep, stress, muscle mass and mindset. 


Starting life on the right foot, growing up building excellent, healthy, nutritional and fitness habits while maintaining an above average muscle mass, without overdoing it all,  is practically a golden rule for having a functional primed body well into your senior years, but regardless, the solutions are simple, and have all worked for ITK members, including those above 80 years of age.   

  • Decrease or eliminate simple carbohydrate intake 
  • Simple carbohydrates, processed wheats and grains, flour and sugar products, (including in all liquid forms) stimulate insulin secretion, insulin is a fat storage hormone, not only will the added calories be an issue, but the insulin secreted will force your body to lock in fat stores. 
  • Become accustomed to reduced portion sizes 
  • Most people assume they need more food than they do, our cultures are set u for large servings and by extensions overweight people.  Practice using smaller dishes.  In fact, excessive portions have been proven to be life threatening, studies have shown that moderate caloric intake is health and life promoting. 
  • Do weight resistance training 
  • As pointed out before, muscle increases your metabolism, bigger engines “burn” more fuel.  Left alone we automatically lose pounds of muscle as we age.  The good news is, it is relatively preventable and is reversable.  Progressive weight resistance training will develop and maintain your muscle mass.  Added benefits of muscle mass include, maintaining strength, coordination, mobility and balance, preventing joint pains, reducing the risk of severely damaging falls and much more. 
  • Move 
  • Regular physical activity  will metabolize added calories, additionally it is being recognized that physical activity also maintains brain health and reduces the rick of dementia.  
  • Do not completely leave out entire natural food groups 
  • The fiber, vitamins and minerals and additional nutrients in carbohydrates, vegetables and oils are essential for health and vibrance and gives your system what it needs to keep your metabolism properly fueled and active.   
  • Focus on improving your sleep 
  • Sleep is highly regulating, having regular sleep hours under optimal conditions is highly advisable for recovery, immunity and mental energy. 
  • Adjust your caloric intake moderately or under supervision 
  • The potential of the “starvation effect” forcing your body to hold onto its fat resources in the face of perceived famine increases with age.  Systems such as Intekai adjust for this possibility, but generally severely reducing calories indefinitely is often counterproductive. 

You can use your teeth and shovel your way into an early grave and/or suffering with fast foods, unhealthy snacks, processed and sugary food, or, with movement and mindful intelligent eating your future can be bright, with reduced pains and filled with active fulfilling days. 

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