The idea that one’s blood type is a factor in what kind of diet will make them trimmer and healthier, and which will not, was created by a naturopath named Dr. Peter J, D’Adamo.  Outlining that in order to trim down and boost energy, one’s blood type would be used to determine if an individual’s diet should be high, low or free of, animal proteins, vegetable proteins, dairy, corn, chicken, eggs, wheat, seafood, alcohol, smoked meats, caffeine and more. 

Additionally, the diet determines that one’s type of exercise should be based on blood type, with recommendations such as energetic aerobic exercise for up to an hour a day for type O, and yoga for type A.

The blood type diet does not however make any recommendations based on health conditions or diseases, so, if someone has heart or kidney disease, as people of all blood types suffer from, the diet recommendations are based on blood type and not addressing the condition.


The human body has general nutritional requirements regardless of blood types. One could say that it is difficult to imagine any general effect of blood type on human wellness.

Heather at her Wedding in 2017

To examine this more closely we see that there have been several behavioral and metabolic studies focused on identical (monozygotic) twins of different weights, (obese and thin). Among the groups, living in the same culture, there are differences in weight, although identical twins HAVE THE SAME BLOOD TYPES.

There are communities around the world which, have been studied, and are recorded to have the longest livers on the planet, with the best overall health and almost no incidence of dementia and other age-related diseases.

The individuals in each of these communities, generally, have a very similar diet, based on their culture and geography.

Naturally, the population of these communities have the same four blood groups (eight main blood types) as everywhere else, and, regardless of blood type, they essentially all benefit greatly from their respective culturally and geographically inspired diets.

This scenario is repeated in each of these communities, although each region has some significant differences in their dietary patterns which collectively include, fish, poultry, vegetables, oils, pasta, grains, rice, soy, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs, berries, legumes and more. So, it appears that generally the “one size fits all” (barring portions of course) approach to nutrition works fine enough.

If, in fact, blood type was generally affecting health, wellness and longevity of the population we would see a significant skewing of wellness and longevity along blood type lines.


There may exist the possibility, that blood type could have an effect on our tolerances for specific processed, manufactured and a few specific foods which are generally damaging.  So, if you feel compelled to partake in very specific foods, processed and manufactured foods, blood type may indicate the likelihood of intolerances or allergies. However, there is no research to support this.

One study found that type A individuals eating their relevant diet showed improved health markers.  Of course, the vegetarian, organic fresh food-based type A diet was found to benefit everyone, not just individuals with type A blood types.

A 2013 review found that there is no evidence supporting the stated benefits of blood type diets.

The American Council on Science and Health article stated, “Your blood type cannot impact your diet any more than your astrological sign can” and American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that there was no evidence backing the health claims of the blood type diet.


The Blood Type Diet can easily be categorized as another fad diet. It’s only unique potential is it restricts processed foods. It’s danger is it restricts healthy foods from certain groups.

As always, InteKai Wellness Lifestyle encourages you to embrace a diet which minimizes or eliminates overly processed foods which are low in nutrition density, but which will NOT ELIMINATE or restrict healthy, natural foods. We embrace safe activities which can be performed consistently and cover the basics of physical performance, including, mobility, strength, coordination, flexibility and balance.  Research is stacked with facts supporting natural healthy eating in proper portions, not blood type-based controls and restrictions.

Image captions:

Heather, Bahamian ITK Member at her June wedding in 2017

Heather, February 2019 in Gym wear, maintaining her ITK body with balanced healthy meals.  We do not know her blood type.

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