Today, we explore the myth in fitness. I recently saw someone I had not seen in almost six months, and I said to her “you started or changed some physical activity about two months ago, what is it?”  She answered and told me that she bought kettlebells and started doing squats 3 days per week. I asked her when she made this change, and she said two months ago.  After congratulating her on her choice and consistency I explained that I could see the difference in her form, posture, gait and movement, and that it was evident that the changes were just truly setting in, hence the two months.

It is not difficult for an experienced eye to recognize the changes and gains which come with specific activities, and, sadly, the evidence of future suffering, which will come without sufficient or proper physical activity.


The absolute truth is, without proper exercises,  every day after your 30th birthday is a step closer to weakness, decrease, illness and death.  Fortunately extensive studies have proven that exercise will slow and in many cases reverse many parts of that process.  

While it is true that you can’t do anything about your chronological age, your biological age is an entirely different classification. Your strength, endurance, cardiovascular ability, bone density,  body fat levels are all taken into consideration when calculating our biological age.  These can all be modified. It is in your power through specific modalities and lifestyle choices, to give yourself a longer life of amazing quality.

Unfortunately, many people do not believe that they have the time.


I have heard many versions of the same old, very old, song hundreds of times, “I don’t have the time to exercise”. The fact is all you need is 5 to 10 minutes.

People have been sold the myth that at thirty to sixty minutes of exercise is necessary to be effective.  It is understandable that the fitness industry would engrain this idea in generations of people, after all, why would anyone pay gym fees or a trainer to work them out for 10 minutes after travelling 30 minutes just to get to the gym. 

Yes, gyms have wonderful equipment and trainers are often necessary for knowledge, motivation and accountability, and if you can find the time, gyms are a fantastic choice. However, the unfortunate side effect of this marketing is, most people do not believe that consistently inserting a 5-10 minute, life improving, routine in their morning or evening can truly be effective.

Yes, I could literally design an 8 minute routine which you can do at home which will change your future for the better. I have seen this first hand, and there are so many studies to support this that just listing even a fraction would quadruple the length of this article.

You only need to understand one thing, training consistently is hundreds of times more important than training for long intense durations.  Do something, do anything, even with your bodyweight or just the simplest of equipment. Seek help if you need it, online coaching, a friend with experience, anything, but get started now.

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