Intermittent fasting (IF), one of many relatively new diet trends, increasingly I am hearing, “I can’t eat until midday,” or, “we have to eat before eight, I can’t eat after eight pm, I’m intermittent fasting.” So what is intermittent fasting? And should you be considering it?


Many individuals and systems of dieting have utilized the pattern of eating, which is now being commonly called intermittent fasting. Sadly the media wave and popularity of the term has forced the rest of us to refer to what we have been doing as, “essentially the same as intermittent fasting”. 

To put it in its simplest term, it is a pattern of eating in which there is a longer daily fasting period before breaking your fast (think breakfast).  The fasting period can be anything between 23 to 14 hours.  The most popular pattern is, fasting for 16 hours out of your day and eating all your meals within an 8 hour window (16/8).  There are other methods which include eating on alternating days, and other time restricted eating methods.

Two examples of the 16/8 intermittent fast may be:

  • Begin eating (break your fast) at 8 am and complete your last meal of the day before 3 pm.
  • Begin eating at midday and complete your last meal by 8 pm.


There are three main arguments for intermittent fasting;

First is the discovery that fasting triggers a mechanism which causes our cells to utilize stored waste and cellular materials, facilitating a mechanism known as Autophagy, or self “eating”/cleaning.  

Second, a smaller eating window, means less hours secreting insulin and, since insulin is a fat storage hormone. This will allow your body to use fat as a fuel source, conceptually becoming a fat burning machine.

The third and least argument sees the smaller eating window and lessened opportunities to add extra calories to your daily intake.


Technically you can eat any regular healthy diet during your eating window. Some people chose to have 1 meal per day (23 hour fast) or as many as 4 meals per day. The important rule is, do not overdo your caloric intake and eat nutritionally dense foods, not empty calories.

During the fasting hours, most forms of intermittent fasting allow for zero calorie drinking options, water, black coffee, unsweetened non-creamed tea and so on.  Energy drinks, protein drinks, sports drinks, chewing gum, mints are not allowed, and in some systems even artificial sweeteners are frowned upon.


Bluntly, no it doesn’t. At least, there are no human studies which support that it does, and several which concluded that it does not, including a 2015 review of 12 clinical trials. There is a 2017 study, and a one year 2017 study published in, JAMA internal medicine, which showed that even alternate day fasting did not produce any superior weight loss, over regular daily calorie restriction.

Also some studies have recommended that it is not safe for individuals who are diabetic, (the jury is still out on this one), healing from trauma or pregnant.  As always, consult your physician before beginning any diet regimen.

It turns out that when it comes to weight loss, intermittent fasting has the same success and failure rates as other calorie restricted diets, including the methods often frowned upon by intermittent fasting gurus, such as multiple small meals for up to 12 hours per day and been deemed to have the same effectiveness.


The fact is, in general terms, any sustainable, reasonable, calorie restricted diet will force your body to utilize stored fat stores (and some muscle) for energy, and eventually, with patience, there will be weight loss.

When it comes to weight loss, the best advice is to choose a method which fits your individual preference, if that is intermittent fasting, then that can work as well.


Fasting holds a specific place in wellness. In laboratory tests, Intermittent fasting, and, fasting in general have been shown to increase brain health and reduce the signs of aging internally and externally.

ITK members benefit from both intermittent fasting and calorie restricted eating, resulting in great results and success. Here are a few testimonials from ITK members on our most recent ITK challenge.

M. Jameson ITK D: No Sah. I had no idea I could lose weight like this. I really needed this now. Thanks guys. 

A. McDonald ITK D: The tea is suppressing my appetite… I am not feeling hungry. I am looking forward to my ice-cream day. This is really working. This holiday I over ate and I needed to lose a few pounds quickly. I have lost 8 pounds and this is my 4th day. Bring it on.

D. Maxwell ITK D: I have lost 15.2 lbs in 4 weeks. Thanks. Great System. Recommend to all.

S. Robinson ITK D: It’s working great for me! I love the tea

A good intermittent fasting programme is:

  1. Solid enough to take the weight off healthily
  2. Balanced
  3. Nutritionally dense natural meals, helping you fight unhealthy habituations
  4. About building new healthy habits
  5. Built around a strong support and accountability system
  6. Flexible enough to help keep you on track and adapt to your personal needs

For your wellness, choose to embrace a system which utilizes several fasting methods, including 12 hour, 24 hour, 36 hour, 48 hour, 72 hour and phased (like intermittent) fasting.

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