Metabolism is commonly equated with simply burning energy. Metabolism is the collection of processes which sustain life in living organisms, whether catabolic (breaking down) or anabolic (building up).

To be clear let us focus on what we are primarily interested in, our basal metabolic rate (BMR). This is the number of calories we require to just stay alive for 24 hours of life. To have a closer understanding of actual caloric requirements your activity factor (a BMR multiplier) must be factored in.

The reality is your metabolic rate can vary based on your nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep patterns, health, hormone issues, and more. This implies that our choices can control our metabolic rate. In part this is true. However, there are many myths surrounding metabolism, let us do a few true and false to clarify what you can do to increase your metabolism.

Eating less can put the brakes on your metabolism – True

Simply reducing calories will begin a process of perceived hunger which will eventually tell your brain that a famine has begun. You have many thousands of ancestors who have faced famine from the ice age to droughts, and the one thing they did is survive famine. They did this by having a brain which successfully reduced how much energy they needed to get through a day. This is exactly why your body will do just that. Regardless of when you eat and what you eat, if your total daily caloric intake suddenly and consistently reduces, your metabolic rate will lower and you will burn fewer calories and retain more fat each day.

Cutting out sugars and alcohol will improve your metabolism – True

There are no secret sugars and alcohol can do you grave damage and they will also slow your metabolism. They are easily and quickly absorbed and are completely calorie positive, requiring very little energy from your body to process. They also promote insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions including increased pressure, high blood sugar, excess visceral fat and abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Many people make exceptions for sugar and alcohol, stating that in moderation the ill effects may be avoided but I am not inclined to say any of that for non-essential foods which can do harm.

Exercise stairsCardio workouts will boost your metabolism – False

Burning calories is NOT increasing your metabolism. In fact, excessive cardio can actually slow your metabolism, remember you body is always trying to do more with less. So, if you send the signal that you have a stressful life and have to be running around just to survive it is likely to make you more efficient by throttling back your metabolic rate. Furthermore, excessive cardio for long durations may promote inflammatory, stress and hormonal responses. Moderate cardio has great cardiovascular benefits, but pace yourself, balance your high intensity cardio with moderate pace activities with other health benefits, such as walking, yoga, dancing etc. This brings us to our next point, the exercise which will most increase your metabolic rate?

Weightlifting will increase your metabolic rate – True

The bigger the engine the more energy to keep it going. Lifting heavily or training like a bodybuilder to gain muscle, will burn energy even when you are at rest. The single best form of exercise for increasing your metabolic rate is progressive resistance exercise. There is the added benefit of improved mobility, tissue strength and general physical durability. Weightlifting also contributes to joint strength, heart strength, pressure regulation, bone density and improved aging factors.

Drinking water can increase your metabolism – True

No water equals no metabolic processes. A study showed that drinking water regularly may increase metabolic rate by 30%. A German study showed thanks to its thermogenic response, drinking six cups of cold water can increase metabolism by 50 calories per day. Always pay attention to your water intake.

Recommendations for boosting metabolic rate

Reduce your stress

Chronic stress contributes to long term fat retention, weight gain and ill health. There is a reason why the billionaires of the world are not dropping dead every day. They are quietly taking the right advice while you are proudly on the hamster wheel. Take the time to do what you need to bring your stress levels down.

Have adequate protein

Protein builds and maintains the healthy muscles you need.

Spicy foods

A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology showed a metabolic spike of 23% with a peppery meal.

Keep your micronutrients high

Vegetables and fruits have the essential nutrients required for metabolic processes and for the support of the systems. Having two to three proper servings of vegetables and one to two fruits daily will keep your metabolism at peak performance. You should also consider nature walking and getting some sunlight for your vitamin D boost.

Sleep your proper number of yours each day

Sleep plays an important part in our stress and hormone regulations which absolutely will influence your metabolism. Never underestimate the importance of sleep for your general wellness. Actively work to correct any sleep issues you may have.

You have one life. one total gift, one absolute responsibility, one chance to get this right. Understand what works for you and what doesn’t, be good to yourself first.

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