Prediabetes and diabetes are life changing conditions, which are often taken too casually because of its prevalence in our society. The reality is, many diabetics fail to cope with the disease and it most often ends in kidney failure, amputations, skin rot, blindness, deafness and hypertension.

Diabetics can suffer strokes, cancer, painful arthritis, severe nerve damage, depression and other serious cardiovascular complications, often resulting in unnecessary death.

There are popular drugs which are the basis of all treatment methods. Although these treatments may buy time for the diabetic patient, they ultimately cut a lengthened but straight path to illness and premature death.

If drugs are so dangerous, then why use them?

It is widely accepted that most people will NOT change anything in their lifestyle, their activities, and worst of all WILL REFUSE to change their eating habits! Even facing horrendous illness and death, the uncertainty and challenging nature of change, keep people on the same disastrous path. So, medicine prolongs their time, even with its own inevitable damage.

It is imperative that everyone follow all physician prescribed medical protocol, as diabetes is deadly and must be treated until, and only until your physician says otherwise. This will SAFELY allow lifestyle changes to save your life and wellness.

Diabetic neuropathy and dry feet

Prediabetes can be corrected, and type 2 diabetes can be forced into remission!

More than 30% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed and don’t know that they are living with this time bomb in their blood and cells. Living with untreated diabetes is deadly, and ongoing medication (although without change is necessary) is aging and sickening. So, what do you do?

Diabetes is a stone cold crippler and killer, but the InteKai System can protect you. InteKai has a flawless record of creating remission in type 2 diabetics and reversing prediabetes in adhering clients.

You too can improve your outcomes with our 100% nutrition driven solutions regardless of how recently or how long ago you have been living with diabetes. Regardless of your age, we have active clients up to 96 years old. If you are slim and diabetic, this is your solution, if you are overweight and diabetic this is your solution! (Overweight people are 3 (THREE) times likely to develop diabetes)

Why wait one more day? What is your sight? Your kidneys? Your limbs? Your wellness? Your very life worth to you? Start now and distance yourself from the worst, and step closer to a future of vitality and heath.

Start today and save your future.

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