Make healthy choices, manage your weight to avoid chronic diseases


The general public’s outlook on the effects of nutrition on health is undergoing significant changes. There is a clear agreement amongst researchers that many chronic health problems are related to what we have available and choose to consume.  Unfortunately, because of changes in scientific knowledge, research and the self-benefiting influences within the food industry, exactly what is contributing to health problems often seems to be less clear.

This lack of clarity has led to a diet industry filled with wide concepts and recommendations, flourishing fad diets and concepts around what is best for human consumption. Fortunately, in recent years we are finding a few strong suspects in these crimes against human health. We began to examine one of these suspected culprits in our last article “Sugar- the sweet danger”.

Here we began to examine how certain quantities of sugar have been found instrumental in diseases, but should a normal food source be harmful to us?

ITK Theory of Origin
InteKai has attached to its methodology what we call the “Theory of Origin,” that is; how we respond to activities, challenges, stress, pleasure and nutrition is connected to how our collective ancestors lived, and what was nutritionally available to them under various conditions.  To understand this better consider this simple question.  If not even one of your ancient ancestors ever ingested “butylated hydroxyanisole” (a preservative) and you ingested it, what do you think your chances of processing it properly are? If your answer is very poor, you understand the basic principles on the ITK theory of Origin.

With that in mind you will see clearly why historically, unsustainable quantities of certain foods and high levels of calories can be so damaging to most human beings. In our societies, we are seeing large numbers of individuals suffering from and being treated for eating associated ailments with Diabetes and Hypertension (high blood pressure) being commonly known. Within the InteKai System (ITK) we have seen the positive effects of the changes implemented, showing firsthand how a modification of eating can result in health improvements. Testimonies from two of our members show how dietary change and weight management have improved not only their general health but also their actual medical state. I should point out that any and all changes in medication or treatment should be made by your physician and your physician ONLY.


ITK Testimonials 

Hadajah R, ITK Wave Member: “In 2008 I was diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes. After losing 30 lbs both tests showed no elevation and results were normal. I was taken off medications and continued to do regular checks. I have remained okay until last year when I was told that my blood pressure needed to be controlled. It wasn’t as high as before but 130/90 is also not normal. Thanks to ITK since September, I am 34lbs lighter and my pressure is now 110/70.”


Desreen B, ITK Wave Member

“Before I started ITK, I went to the doctor as I was feeling more and more ill — headache [and] shortness of breath. He was amazed that I could be sitting in his office talking to him as my blood pressure was way beyond normal. He said people general get stroke from that reading. He prescribed high blood pressure medication for me, but I thought I was too young to be having this problem and knew that it was associated with my weight. Hence, I started researching programmes; I went to a medical centre and got their consultation regarding the HCG, but then I saw the article about Lisa and I called and went in for consultation and the rest is history. My blood pressure has been a perfect reading ever since.”


Prevention is better than Cure
Here we have seen firsthand how diseases can be controlled with diet changes, and as wonderful as this is we should always remember, as they say, prevention is better than cure. There is indeed a tipping point for poor nutrition beyond which all the things we fear will begin to take hold of our lives. Begin the changes now.  Learn what foods will help all the time and which will hurt if abused and take the time to base all your choices around being a healthier, better you.

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