How to Succeed at Intekai


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Losing weight can be an exercise in success or failure, but it is all based on an individuals commitment to the process. It can be an easy road, hard road or one of simply deciding that your life is meant to change for the better and you intend to have a new normal. One that will be better for you in the long run. Take the “Read Me Quiz” to confirm you have read and understood the contents on this page and in your ITK Manual.

Intekai, a Japanese word meaning Integrated principles, combines many of the proven weight loss methodologies needed to successfully and safely lose and maintain weight. Our goal on your ITK journey is for you to create a new normal. Success comes with commitment and the right mind-set and our five (5) tools form the foundation of your success.

What separates Intekai from other methods of Weight Loss

  1. Our system is not a crash diet and enables you to acquire skills to keep your weight off
  2. Our meal sequences and combinations Rev up your metabolism
  3. Intekai integrates coaching as a support mechanism to ensure success
  4. We focus on habituation changes which are essential to long term maintenance
  5. The ITK Wave is not a meal plan. Personal assignments are customized each week for maximum change and minimal muscle loss and metabolic trauma

ITK Tools – 5 P’s:

Below we will outline our five (5) P’s which will ensure success in ITK weight loss as well as maintenance.

Losing weight involves planning. Success is attained when you stick to your plan
  • PLAN
    Planning your meals on a weekly basis is singly the most important activity you will do an a daily or weekly basis to ensure that you are on the right track. 100% of members who prepare their meals on a daily or weekly basis will lose weight, or achieve their goal for that week and exceed in some cases.
    Preparation is the activity that can take place after planning or it can simply be you “Planning” where you are going to eat or access your specific meals for the day. Our statistics show that a wider cross section of members will achieve their weight loss goals faster if food/meals are prepared from home, however, success can be attained, if you plan where your meals are coming from and manage the portions and times effectively.
    Portioning your foods is a critical function and determines how large your meals are to be. Our manual outlines the standard portions for your assignments, however most assignments outline our portions, especially if they are different based on our ITK algorithms.
    Packaging is an important aspect of your successful ITK life. Members who package their foods are more likely to eat the foods that they prepared than eat out and affect their journey negatively. A successful ITKarian, is one who is prepared and packaged.
    Partaking and enjoying the food you are eating is also an important tenet. Our assignments are uniquely designed to give members choices in their proteins, vegetables, carbs and snacks and its always critical to choose the foods you like.
Communicating with Team Members and Coaches is a special and needed activity in your ITK experience. You are never alone on your journey

Success is guaranteed if you:

  1. Adhere to Assignments calculated through our unique ITK algorithms on a weekly basis
  2. Communicate with your Coach as often as you think is necessary for you to succeed with your goals
  3. Ask for help from your Coach or your team members BEFORE you find yourself slipping back into your old ways
  4. Maintain your 12-14 hour fast to ensure maximum benefits from your ITK assignments. That is the time period between your last meal of the day and your first meal of the next day. These should always be between 12 and 14 hours
  5. Wish to replace food items on your meal assignments, consult your Coach to ensure that you are making the correct choices, especially if you are in doubt.
  6. Report your weights or meals consistently
  7. Carry “back up snacks” in case you get caught in meetings and on the road in between meals. Items such as Almonds, peanuts, pistachios, green or herbal teas, water, fruit and protein bars are perfect when on the go. When travelling out of town or overseas carry zip lock bags with nuts portioned out for easy access.

What are ITK Assignments?

Our ITK assignments are designed to teach members how different foods affect your weight loss on a daily and weekly basis.

ITK is all about balance. All food groups are used in successfully crafting our unique assignments

Our assignments tell members what food group to eat from, portions and suggested times.  In many cases more than one alternative is given for meal times, to give members options on a daily basis. It is not a menu.  Menus are found in a restaurant.

Reporting on a weekly basis to the ITK team is a mandatory exercise that facilitates Members receiving a new assignment for the next week.  The process is as follows:

Current reporting system:

Enter your login information created when you registered

Login Screen

Once you are authenticated, click on the meal app icon

Portion of screen on the ITK website showing the Meal App icon

On your meal app dashboard/ Progress Report Screen you will have access to the reporting/data entry screen, where you enter your weights and or meals.  Members have a choice of entering their meals in three different ways:

  1. Meals and Weights
  2. A summary of each day. Eg.  “I followed the assignment about 70% today. I switched meal 2 and 5 because of a meeting”
  3. Weights only
A Partial view of the Drop down menu and Progress report screen where meals are entered from the dashboard

Your dashboard has the following on the screen, your current assignment and a number of quick-links, which include the ITK Manual, Instructions on making your ITK a shortcut on your Phone home screen and printable data entry screen.

Weekly Reporting

Please note that members who do not enter their data on their dashboards, will not receive their new assignment in a timely manner and will therefore not be able to fully prepare for the upcoming week.

Challenges and Special assignments

The ITK Wave System is designed around our unique algorithms which are used to calculate our assignments on a weekly basis. We use your weekly weight to determine your assignment for the next week. We however have several challenges throughout the year, which results in members receiving ” pre-set meal plans which have a specific aim. These plans are not sustainable, but usually promote, detoxing, reduced calories up to 500 to name a few. We encourage members to do these challenges a few times a year, but return to our flagship wave programme, which is a sustainable for life.

What is expected as an ITK Member

  1. Reduced simple carbs and processed foods
  2. Maximum plant based low processed foods
  3. Portion control
  4. Balance one meal to another
  5. If you have night eating issues, best choices only, and, shift your eating window, have your first meal as late as noon if it’s convenient
  6. Complete the “Read me quiz” to confirm you have read and understood the contents on this page and in your ITK Manual
  7. And as always, plan 👍🏽U r an IntéKai lifestyle champion

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