As the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) aka 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) continues to spread across the planet, fears of contracting Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) continue to mount.  Building your Immune System is on everyones minds these days.

Viruses have been a part of earth history perhaps since the beginning of life itself, so, without copious amounts of toilet paper (why?), hand washing, hand sanitizers, face masks and modern scientific knowledge, how did our ancestors survive?

They survived because of three factors:

  1. The biological fortitude to successfully endure an infection for the time required to build and execute an immune response to the attacker
  2. A strong, active and unencumbered immune system, which given time can identify an invader, create antibodies, and deploy them to subdue the infection
  3. Luck

There isn’t much we can do about the third factor but, after prevention, it is in everybody’s interest to build your immune system.  We have been developing nutritional packages to this end, but we believe it is important to make this information widely available. Following Intekai assignments on a weekly basis, is a definite method to ensure you build your immune system through nutrition.


Researchers are becoming increasingly convinced that SARD-CoV-2 and COVID-19 infections will not only continue to grow but will become a part of the global human condition. As the flu currently is, projections for development of a vaccination seem firmly set for a year or more, at the earliest, and, even after a vaccination is developed, as it is with the flu, infections and deaths will continue.  These are the projections, and it suits all well thinking people to adjust their lifestyle and habits.

SARS-CoV-2 is and will likely be a part of human society for the foreseeable future, so it is imperative to have a long-term plan.


Your immune system is not bullet proof, you cannot supercharge it, actually a supercharged immune system is the cause of many a medical complication. You can however prime it by completely supporting its functionality with proper nutrition, exercise and stress management.

So, as always, avoidance is key.  Let us briefly examine these all-important rules:

  • Assume everyone is carrying the virus, no, that does not mean scorning them or being fearful. Unless they cough, or spray droplets from their nose or mouth into your face or onto a surface you touch, even an infected person cannot infect you.  Just be aware of social distancing and for now, avoided crowded spaces
  • Leaving at least one to two meters talking distance
  • Assume every surface outside your safe space is contaminated
  • Never put your hands to your face before first washing them (20 second lathering) or at least sanitizing with 70%, or greater, alcohol
  • Treat all your unwashed road clothing and items such as luggage, baggage, purse, wallet, money, personal electronic devices, as if they are contaminated. Do not carry them or handle them in your safe spaces such as your bedroom, bathroom etc. without first sanitizing
  • Wash your hands and dry with a disposable towel (paper towel) as soon as you reach home and have undressed
  • Wipe or spray packages brought into the house, wash produce properly before using, light soapy water will do
  • There is no evidence that the virus can survive more than 2 to 9 days on regular surfaces. Items from overseas, china included, should be safe, however, wash your hands after handling and disposing the packaging


With the current projections, before or after a vaccine is manufactured you, or/and someone you know is likely to be exposed to the virus. The effect of it will depend on the individuals physical state, biological fortitude and strong unencumbered healthy immune system.

Know this, although there are viral inhibitors for other infections on the market, it is your immune system which will ultimately be victorious over an invader.

No mixture, vitamin, portion will attack SARS-CoV-2 in your body, after avoidance, the best you can do is refrain from the things which weaken your immune response and feed and strengthen your body and immune system.

Several things are proven to build your biological fortitude and a strong unencumbered immune system.


  • Natural source nutrients, such as proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats (clean repair materials and clean energy) and sufficient regular water intake
  • A diet high in plant source foods dense with micronutrients, vitamins and minerals
  • Antioxidant rich foods
  • Anti-inflammatory foods
  • Fiber rich foods
  • Foods rich in vitamins A, C and D, and minerals such as zinc
  • Gut healthy foods, probiotics, and prebiotics which feed your good gut bacteria
  • Controlled caloric intake, excess calories is known to result in oxidative stress and inflammation
  • Routine fasting. Occasional fasting is proven to strengthen out your immune system

YOU MUST AVOID, AT ALL COST, food choices which will stress your system, increase inflammation, retain fluids and promote hypertension and fat gain, such as:

  • Refined foods
  • Processed meats
  • Refined sugars
  • Refined flour
  • Excess salt
  • Fast foods
  • Alcohol
  • High calorie meals
  • High calorie lifestyle


  • Clean proteins-
    • plant source such as
      • peas
      • legumes
      • beans
    • oily fish
    • Greek yogurt (prebiotic)
    • and if you must non-fatty cuts of poultry and meats
  • Complex and fiber rich and prebiotic carbohydrates:
    • whole grain foods
    • ground provisions (potatoes etc.)
    • long grain brown rice
    • steel cut oats
  • AT LEAST 12 DIFFERENT PLANT SOURCE FOODS DAILY (this may sound like a lot but it is both manageable and is shown to build immunity):
    • Vegetables of different colours (3 or more)
    • fruit
    • ginger
    • garlic
    • cumin
    • turmeric
    • onions
    • green tea
    • mushrooms
    • and remember your peas, legumes, beans

Antioxidant rich and anti-inflammatory foods:

  • berries
    • blueberry
    • blackberry
    • raspberry
    • strawberry
  • nuts and seeds
    • Almonds
    • Walnuts
    • Wheat germ
    • Flax seed


Maga-dosing vitamin intake has not been proven to boost immunity, this is outdated and a largely disproven concept which took root with a focus on vitamin C in the 1970s. Even though mega-dosing has failed to stand up to scrutiny and has not been proven to affect immunity to the flu, there is some varying evidence of a reduction in the duration of a cold.

Research had proven that unless you are suffering from a vitamin deficiency related illness or have a diet lacking in specific nutrients,  the most biologically utilizable vitamins can be found in natural food sources, not from the extracts or modified crude oil molecules sold in bottles. 

However, I realize this belief runs deep, and may have some merit, so, if you believe your diet may be lacking in micronutrients, there is usually no harm in reasonable supplementation, e.g., 200-100 milligrams of vitamin C.

I must add that studies are being performed on ultrahigh doses of vitamin C administered intravenously for the improvement of outcomes for COVID-19 patients.

It is, however, highly recommended to obtain the majority of your nutrients by maintaining a healthy, natural, balanced diet.


Coronavirus is proving to be more fatal across all age groups, older adults are more susceptible, but several underlying conditions are also proving to increase risks. Excess bodyweight, diabetes, hypertension, respiratory issues.

Managing these and other conditions through dietary changes, exercise and medical treatment will prove invaluable to your chances for survival.

Also, importantly, sleep, rest and destressing is invaluable for immune system health.


As always, see your physician if you experience any of the known symptoms, coughing, fever and shortness of breath.

Stay safe, stay aware, remember in these cases, knowledge and new routine are your friends, not old habits.  As always, prevention is better than cure.  Don’t just run out and buy stuff, sit and be concerned, share about the latest report, be proactive, make the change to help yourself.

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  1. This was a great article…. Unfortunately healthy eating can be costly for many hence the use of supplements.

    1. Good afternoon Jean.

      We pride ourselves on encouraging members to stick to a healthy eating lifestyle and not being addicted to supplements, as natural nutrients can all be found in foods. Yes some items are expensive, but there are ways and means around eating healthily instead of depending on supplements. My grocery bill is not any more expensive since I started ITK back in 2015. I think it comes with some adjustment at first and some of the items your would normally purchase you can eliminate and get the right foods. Using the market more often or place where you can buy ground provisions is a life saver. Not bothering with empty calorie snacks, alcohol, and sweets help.

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